Monday 18 July 2011

bUsy WeEk.........

last week was an activities week....
what a busy week....
start frOm MondAy busy until SatuRday............
n is a birthday week.....
sO many people birthday............
but so hOw something make me feEL noT HapPy.....
especially dUring the photo taKing sectiOn foR rEd HoUse..........
damN aNnOyiNg.............
what a stUpid teAcher I had evEr meeT.....
bUlL sHit......
iF yOu dOnt wAn tO tAke thE phOto yoU caN juSt tElL uS.....
No Nid Us rAn heRe n tHere loOking fOr you....
afTer tHat waIting fOr you for aboUt haLve an HoUr.....
yOu thInk wE gOt nothing tO dO ah????
NoNseNse..............I HatE it........
yOu are Not YdPa ok????


lAst SatUrday......
We gUys ceLebrate SerEne n Kam LiNg biRthday
at Yen Shabu-shabu............
I LoVe tHat PlaCe....evEn a bIt exPensIve but Is ReasOnabLe.....
I LovE the Japanese dIsh theRe....
fEeL lIke waNna tO gO agaIn.....@@


n yoU....stUpid Lee CoNnIe.....
caN you dont do soMethIng annOiying????
yoU are sO stupiD.....
I teLl yoU
you as the senior for them....
you yourselves cant do your duty well.....
but can you please dont bring along your junior
go to snake together with you....I
f you want to snake to snake in front of us.....
n never bring along him....
you are freaking annoying you know.....
if you challenge me again....
dOn't fault me if I taking discipline action to you....
NonSense snake qUeen.....


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