Wednesday, 12 September 2012

2nd week in UTHM

this was the 2nd week I am UTHM,
the lecturer class start,
I had attended Academic English, Programming, Engineer and society and also Engineering Math 1,
some of these lecturer are good, but some so so....
I was recall back....
Am I suitable to be an engineer???
the 1st day of my class,
I already in trouble....
computer programming,
I cant understand what the hack it talking about....
n today engineering math 1,
I already forget every single thing that I learn in Pre-U...
so should I be here???
I am thinking..........

next about my life over here,
I am happy and glad to know a group of friends here....
I not sure it is my problem or what else......
sometime I do really feel like that is a big GAP between I and them........
no matter how i try my very best to interact with them......
but i still can't fully participate in that....
may be because of my thinking or what........

the relationship between I and you is just a friend...
I not sure what will happen in future.....
but at least i know so far I never plan anything about her.....
i treat u as my best friends,
may be for u, I am not......
may be for u, I am just nothing........
don't push me to side,
it is HURT!!!!!!!!!!
My tear was flow out during the orientation week while you guys was leaving me alone n
sit with else one............
can you

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Orientation week at UTHM....

2nd of September,
I reach UTHM - Universiti Terhebat Malaysia..
I register myself over there,
my coursemate + hoursemate Benjamin message me n tell me he was done his registration....
after taking a period of time to processing all the stuff....
at last I reach PEWIRA, my hostel...
when I reach there, Benjamin was there,
he saw me n come forward to me...
he direct me to the counter to carry out the registration....
when I get my key,
I go into my hostel,
I same house with benjamin...
my 1st friend over here....
he is a nice person,
gentlemen, great, caring....
I am happy to know him

after settle down everything,
my orientation start.....
at 1st we gather with the principle of PEWIRA,
after he gave all the speech
we go into the UTHM main campus
(as my hostel is allocated outside the campus)
the 1st day, we already being caught catch....
listen to all the nonsense talk until midnight,
then have to follow those stupid action act by the seniors...
when we reach the hostel already 1am,
after took a bath it alrady midnight....

the next day,
we have to wake up at 530am....
really what the FXXK...

one day, there is a talk,
i being seperated from friends,
sitting alone with malay around,
at that moment,
my feeling,
my emotion....
my everything....
I almost crying,
but I din as i tell myself I shouldn't do that,
as i choose to be here....
at that moment,
I was thinking give up,
go back to KL,
pick up my dream, Law Field,
but I don't do that....

what I wish now,