Monday 28 June 2010

PrE-UnivErsIty LifE...........

EvEn i sTart my Pre-University's Life on May......
In tHe JourNey......
fULL of ObstaCLe.....
at 1st....wE dUn havE cHemisTry teAchEr n MUET teacHer........
after 2 wEek lAter......
MothEr of ChemisTry....mDm Tian lee Yuan.......
promise to take over us.......
but we stIll dUn havE the teacher fOr MUET.......
unTiL toDay......
WE GoT our MUET teaCher........
SisTer MUET....
Mdm BanuSha........
eRm...nOw wE got aLL teaCHers oledi........

thE 1st lEsSon of MUET cLass.......
maDam BanusHa intRodUce MUET to us......
n sHe aSk us tO prepared onE bOok foR RePORT......
rEport thE ideaL of the NovEl we have read.......
the character inside the noVel......
messAge.........n other.........
n we havE to Read at least 1 bOok in 2 wEek time........
hoW neh?????
aM i alBe to afFord it????
hOpefUlly cAn...........

Cum to ChemIstry........
ouR mothEr cHemistry........
walau eh.......gEng lol...........
our cHemistry claSs fROm 1100am to 145pm.......
sO lonG......
but nevEr mind La......
if She dUn do tIs....
wE caNt fInisH our SyllabuS........

FatHer PhySicS.......
sAme Lol........
as usualllllll
givE us aS Many as HoMewOrk as pOssiBle.......
n a Lot of Physics ExaMplE are given to us............

Aunty MathEmatiCs......
MisS cAtherIne ......
hEr SpeeD sTill tHere..........
but i sTart to faMiliAr witH her teachIn style.......

Our Bio GrandmothEr.......
Mdm Azyan.....
as our fOrm teacher.......
as Cute as laSt tiMe.......

n lasT 1.........
thE anGel n DevIl of oUr cLasS........
MdM aZlin........
i gEt notHing fRom hEr acTually........
sHe neveR teaCh us......
tHen aSk us to dO thE work.....=_=!!!!

bY noW......
my Pre-UnivErsity' LifE start FULLY........
hOpe i cAn do wELL foR my STPM........
aLL thE beSt...........

Sunday 27 June 2010

tiREd tO tALk wiTh tHem......

stILL tHinKing......
waT tO shAre.....
buT acTuaLLy a lot of tHings to Share........

my sKuL, SMK Jinjang
gOing to have JogatHon
on 8 of August..........
HoPe aLL oF u wILL sUppOrt......
but befOre tAt.....
pLeasE dOnate MonEy tO uS.....
i gOt tHe JogAThon cArd.......
i m buSy fInding peOple fOr cOllEctIon of Funs.....
ei PleaSe la........
tHe SkuL edUcated u ALL fOr so many year......
how cUm aSk u aLL dOnate suM monEY oso dun Wan......
RM5.00 oli....ok
ur lunch set........oledi more then tat lol........
n tiS monEY........
is used tO buIld thE new cLassRoom fOr Pre-University students la........
n tHe schoolarships fOr tHose ExceLLent students.....
y u aLL dUn wAn tO suPPort lEH....????
tHen i go my mum woRking place.......
shock.......i collect around RM30.00 there.........
add Oil wArrEn............

juSt noW vIsit my grandmother...........
bcauz my mum brought somethings to her.........
therefore we go n visit her...........
sth i dislike most happen..........
when i am there...........
my stupid cousin asked me to help him wrote the letter..............
i ask him wat is the purpose of writing tat letter.........
He sAid he wan to sTop hiS study life.........
bcauz of ouR skul principle
fit on him..........
i ask him the reason.......
he said he sleep in the class.....
my hoRRibLe unCle said........
the Principle faLse.......
my Grandmother, my aunty.......
all argee wif him.........
tHen i ask tHem to ask his son by themselve...........
is tat Mr.Peter Yii oledi warning thEm dUring thE assembly????
is tat their name had been called????
bcauz oF sLeep in the class..........
please la.......
u go to skul........
for study la.........
not for sleep ok.........
thE govement spend a Lot of money..........
on us.........
provide us thE education...........
u aLL dUn wan to stuDY............
n the letter........
u wan me help u to write it...........
please la.........
send me the paper n pen ok........
lOok likE i owe u............
Must hElp u like tat........
sori lol.......
wAt i HavE toDay.......
is given by my Mum lol.........
not u alL ok........
i respect u.....
call u uncle..........
but u dun have the right to ask me worte the letter for ur sOn......
u unalbe to wrote it.......
bcauz u dun wan to study........
noW u sOn dun wAn to study.......
u oso just aLLow............
n Force Me to wRote tHe letTer...........
n scold me summore........
tErrible.........hOrribLe.........n VegetaBle.................

Saturday 26 June 2010

aN imPreSSivE tALk.....fRom NanYang Techonolgies University.....

tHe Lecturer fRom Nanyang Technologies Universities, Singapore.....
cum tO SMK JinjAng....
gave us a tALk....
hOw wE gOing tO sElected Our Couse, oUr University.........
prOmotE tHe
NanyanG Technologies University oso......
tHe taLk r totAlly impressive.......
i ReaLLy gEt a Lot fRom him...........
thE pRofesor Leung.....
whO have thE PHD degree in Chemistry.....
tHe Head Department of Chemistry of Nanyang Techologies Universities.....
hE exPlore tHe cHancE of gEtTing in evEry fIeLd....
n How mUch sAlery u cAn get.........
hOw tO aPpLy tHe schoolarshIp.....
wAt anSwers sHoulD wE giVe dUring tHe intErvIew.....
aLL tIs had bEen tought bY hIm......
hE OSo sHow us tHe piCtures of tHeir UnivErsity........
nOn of aNy LocAL uNiversity......
neither Public nor Private University can cOmpared wIf tHem........
tHeir Lab.........
extremly exceLLent...........
vEry Big.........
cAn be cOmpare wIf thE OxfOrd UnivErsity.........
if i Got cHancE........
i HopE to cOntiNue my FurtHer stUdy tHere..........
i rEli lIke tHerE sO muCh............
hOpe to gEt it.........
but tHeir cuttiNg PoiNt vEry high.........
u have tO sCorE ur CGPA wif at least 3.7 n above......
tHerE oLi rEcEive u aS their sTudeNts..........
n tIs oLi fOr qualification of Sit.......
tHe scholarship hv to sit fOr otHer eXamination/interView.......
i Will KeEp RemInd mySelf........
stUdy haRd fOr STPM.......
i wAnnA to Study tHere...........
i LikE tHerE sO muCh.........
i HopE to gEt it........
CarRy oUt my ReseAcH n DeveLopmEnt........
my exPeriMent tHere............

WarReN, AdD OIL...........


n Tis is wat The Profesor. Leuong share wif us......
regrading the dEciding of jOb...........
so mAny pEoplE rUshing For studyIng buSinEss Admin.......
n He asK us......
wat is tHe rEasOn u stuDy bUsineSs adMin????
waNna tO maKe MonEy right????
thosE peOple wHo cHooSe the bUsinesS adMin.......
thier 1st step oledi wrong........
y he saId so????
bCauz tHose PeoPle who study BusineSs Admin.....
wif tHe pEople wHo dUn nOe hOw tO maKe monEy.....
nO pOint of sTudying tat.......
if the PesOn hE nOe thE way to maKe moNey........
r U tHink......
hE wILL bcUm ur Lecturer???????
n For uR inFromatIon........
tHe worker........
in tHe syer MArket of American.......
nOn oF tHem iS graduate wIf BusiNess Admin........
bUt mOst oF tHem arE gRaduate wiF Physics, Engineering.....
thInk oF it........
eVen tHe C.E.O of SingaPore aiRline.........
tHe C.E.O r not a BusinEss guY........
bUt He is a MAthematician............
so.......friends........thiNk of it........

HoPe aLL oF us have tHe bRight fUtuRe..............

Wednesday 23 June 2010

Special WedNesDay.....

2day is WeDnesDay..............
as noRmAl....
go tO sKul stuDy lo......
tHe sKuL enD......
we WiLL b baCk....
oR HavIng LuncH togEtteR..........
bUt 2dAy....
i dun Join TheM......
bcAuz oUr CheMistrY's MothEr gAve uS tHe exTra cLass........
sInce shE have to tHe pHoto aFter sKul....
theRefOre the eXtrA cLass oli start aT aRounD 145pm.....
beFoRe tat......
Khar mUn n I.........
ruSheD to KepoNg.......
KimKi's Bakery.......
tO tAked tHe cAke taT wE orDer........
fOr Wai Hong n Shuang Yi's BirthDay cElebrAtion......
thE cAke vEry nice.......
chocalate + blacksesame.......
Mdm TiaN cElebrate wIf us togEttEr........
n bcauz oF thE cElebrAtion........
our ExtRa cLass LoOk likE eXercIse cLass......
just discuss questiOn n doinG exercIse.........
wHen tHe exTra cLass End......
i wEnt baCk to hOme......
In tHe jOurnEY..........
i sAw Siew V, Evon n Karmun........
after tat Irene drive another car.........
duN noe WherE tHey go.......
tHey dUn caLL me......
Or mAy b tHey gt cALL.....
but i Dun noe.......
bcauz i gt extra cLass ma.....
n i duN evEn tAlk anY sInglE word to V 2day........
May b She sTiLL angry me kua.....
i Dun noe......

anywhere aLL tHe besT to Us............

ExAminatiOn iS cUming.......
HopEfUlly i Can Do wELL......

Tuesday 22 June 2010


KeEp aSking mysElf.....
dun on9.....
but i stiLL cAnt taHan....

mDm tIan....
toLd us.....
ouR exam is cUming....
it wILL be hEld on around 23 of July.....
i got no coNfidence at ALL....
i scared i wILL fAiL foR my teSt......
the suB tat i have no coNfidenCe to scOre....
i daTed HunG Jun....
aSk hiM teaCh me PhysIcs.....
buT i FeEL he Dun wAn to StudY....
bcauz of tHe woRld cUp....
he is thE oLi persOn whO cAn hElp me.....
nvr miNd la....
if He rElI dun Wan stUDY.....
i jUst tRy mY beSt lA.....

God BleSS me.....
pRay hArd foR me......
aLL tHe bEst....

Sunday 20 June 2010

fEw Part

i m gOing to divideD my bLog intO fEw paRt....
bcauz too many things to wrote.....

1st part......
2MorrOw tHe sKul gOing to rEopen.....
my fEeLing now........
rELi tErrIblE.....hOrrIble.....n VegetabLe lo.....
i Doing Nothing fOr tis wHoLe hOlidAy.....
i dUn dO thE rEvisIon at aLL.....
tHe hoMeworK....
oso cOpy here n thEre.......
never thInk.....
scared leh.....
i scared i cAnt fOllOw the syallabus.......
n i totally fEeL uncomfortable lo.......
dun noe y i have tis kind of stRong fEeLing.....
wHen i m Form 4 n 5.....
evEn i doiNg nth........
i oso nth de.........
but now.............
reLi tEriBle, HorrIble n Vegetable la..........
i dun hOpe 2MorrOw cUming lo.................

2daY is fAther day...........
cElebraTe wif my faTher n GrandfathEr just now............
nth special.......
just having diNneR 2getter lo.........
nth much.....
eveRy year faTher day oso cElebrate like tat........

just now........
i listen the news.........
our gov pLanning to caNceL the UPSR n PMR..........
wHen i ListEn tis........
i fEeL saD lo............
if thEy rEli do tis........
our cuMing geNeratIon standard r gOing to drop.............
if they caNcEL thE UPSR..........
how thE sKuL.......
classify thE student intO fOrm 1 n foUndaTion leh????????
n if they caNcEL thE PMR.............
how tHe skUL clAssiFied tHe studEnt intO Science n Art leh????????
fOLLow skuL examination????
but tHe quEstIon alway breaK out de wo........
how thEy improve themself leh.............
if u do tat...........
y not u learn the Singapore Gov leh.........
hoW cUm peoplE education standard can be quality..........
but our is quantity leh??????
sTh taT we lEarn in Pre-University...........
In Singapore.............
peopLe oledi leaRn at O-LevEL........
GOv think of it la.........
dun aLway do sth nonsense lo.......
please do sth sensibLe.....
which albe to improv our quality................

wOrld cUp stILL gOing On........
jUst noW......
i rEad the newspaper............
state tat more n more students........
get into gambling .........
n they lose..........
they borrOw thE monEy fRom dai Yi Long...........
quick Sad lo.........
tat y i Hate World Cup..........
i Hate gaMbLing....................
pleaSe la..........
use ur brain to Think la.........
World Cup......
plAy by mOney de la........
ALL tHe gaME are MonEy gAme.........
cOntRoL by sUmone...................
dUn go n dO tat sTupiD things........
my dear................

just now........
go my grAndfathEr houSe........
mEet wif my counsIn..........
1 of my counsin oledi graduate for 2 year...........
but until today........
he still dun wan to get a job........
n work............
everyday just sitting at homE..........
n just now..........
he toLd me sum nonseNse..........
thE rEasoN he dUn wan To worK is .........
tHe sAlery tOo Low..............
excuse me...........
u tought urself highly educated meh?????????
evEn a simple BM n BI u oso cAnt tAlk leh............
u wan ur saLery be RM7000.00 per month............
u fAiL fOr ur SPM...........
peOple Uniersity graduate oli RM3500.00++
u wAn RM7000.00
ReLi nonsense fOr me lo.........
no working experience...........
no graduate certificate..........
Alway aPply hOlidAy.........
wan tis kind of salery........
u ask ur father paid u la.................
tErrIble, HorriBle, n Vegetable................
I reLi sPeecHless...............

Saturday 19 June 2010

PeK bIrtHdAy cEleBraTiOn.....

tOdaY is Mr.Pek WeI Jian
18 yeArs Old biRtHdAy......
EvoN, JosH N I cElebRate wiF hIm.....
SincE, he got teSt 2day........
thErefOre, wE cELebrAte hIs birThdaY afTer 230pM.....
aRoud 230pm......
i go n fetch them....
thEn we ALL go 1 U lo.....
once reacH there.....
we aLL busy found tHE RESTAURANT TO hving our meAL.....
bcaUz Pek n I dAmn hungrY.....
botH of us dun eat our BreaKfast + LuncH at ALL....
tHen we deCide go Wong Kok....
bcauz there gt frEe MilK tea Ma.....
teRrIblE service tHere......
afTer tat....
we go secret recipe..........
bcauz our Pek tOo lovE cAke.....
we orDer 4 slice............
aLL are his faVourite cAke.........
cHoOse by himself.........
we Eat a Lot lo..............
reli cant tahan zo.............
tHen we go bacK lo.........
after paid tHe parkinG fEe.....
i waNna to go dOwN 1 fLoor........
Josh N EvoN argue wif me........
no nid go down...........
my cAr was park at the fLooR tat we paid parking fEe.........
i saiD no...........
but at tHe end.........
i oso company them la........
we fInd tHe whOle cAr park...........
osO cant finD my cAr............
tHen i aSk tHem go dowN 1 fLooR...........
my cAr relI there..........
then both of tHem gEt scoolding by me lo..........
hahaha............dAmn fUnny................
acTualLy myself oso not sure whEre i park.......
tHeN wE bAck lo..............
2dAy rEli tiRed.............
but hAppy la............
bcauz long tIme i dun Hang out wif Josh n Pek 2getter zo lo.........
since we start oUr study...................

tO Pek Wei JiAn:

HaPpy biRthdAy to u, hAppy biRthdaY to U, HappY birthdAy to Wei Jian, Happy birThday to u.......

a haPpy DaY....

early in the moRning.....
arOund 9am....
Killer Geng + Jack Ho + Josh + Wallace + Ham Sap Lai....
play badminton at DBKL haLL....
i dun late today....
normally i will late at least 1 hour time....
but 2day i dun late.....
but V n ReNee stILL late lo....
they never cum early....
oli will late.....
afTer badMintOn.....
Killer Geng go makAn at Memory Pan Mee....
i eat the spicy Pan Mee....
reli spicy lo.....
then finish Zo.....
aLL bacK.....
after bath....

at Nite.....
i not FeEling WeLL.......
neck Ok oledi....but now.... t
here is fatigue in my hand's mUscLe....
mAy b 2DaY pLayIng BadMintOn uSed TOo muCh oF eNergY....
untIL my mUscLe cArry Out AnaerObiC rEspiration......
plaNning to eat ParacetaMol before sLeep
i start reGret i smash ReNee, Alisa v, n Cynthia.....
but 2day....
i reli exercise a lot.........
around 9pm.......
yaM cHa wif RenEE, Moo Moo n Alisa V at Babylon....
Cynthia gt test cant attend....
tat terrible Jason....
fong Fei gay.....
so oli 4 ppl yam cha.....
n a fUnny contract had been signed by Alisa, Renee n Me....
n we decide go badminton every friday......

fEeL hAppy......
thankz ur guy........
n oso Ah Yao....
teach me how to smash them.....wakaka.............
i will never regret to noe ur guys.....

Thursday 17 June 2010

wHo, I shouLd trust, who I should'nt trust????

jUst now.....
i go to Yam Cha wif wEi Bin.....
i FeEL tAt....
hE noE a Lot of ThiNgs....
n I trY tO aSk hIm.....
hE duN tELL me AnyThingS.....

aT tHe end...
hE juSt sAid....
he Noe wAt iS going oN.....
in tHe SkUL.....
n I noE.....
theY r sum1 tOld hiM....
about wat we haVe disCusS in tHe cLass....
tHen I asK him....
wHo tOld hIm alL tat....
he Dun wAn aNsweR me.....
juSt aSked me to gUesS.....
tAt tIme.....
they r fEw peoplE naMe appear In mY hearT..........
n I duN noe........
wHo r tHe 1...........
wHo sHoUld I tRust??????/
who Shouldn'T.................
fEeL tIred.........
n stRess............
tHe pEoplE aRounD............
aLL cAn be enermy.............


tHe woRld cuP start almosT 1 weEk tiMe...............
most of my friends.......
watch it........
even until midnight.........
but i m not interested at all..........
n I haTe it............
bcauz i noe.......
aLL tiS gaMe r not the ReAL game.........
r Money Game........
in my opinion..........
i no nid to wactch it...........
bcauz meaningless.............

When I listeN u lost money bcauz of tis tErrible world cup.......
i totally fEel sAd.........
i reLi HatE people gambling............
bcauz gaMbling make my Whole family in trouble.............
wanna to remind u...........
please dun gambling...........
my friend.............
even i noe u dun act me as ur gud friend............
but for me...........
u r my best friend.............
since i noe u..........
i have a very strong fEel......
u can be my best friend............

Wednesday 16 June 2010


aCtuALLy 2dAy....
i Will be dAmn buSy....
n I predict for myself taT.....
todaY wILL be a TerRibLe n TiRed dAy.....
bcauz my tuItion cLasS toDay
starT frOm 230pm uNtIL 1000Pm....
7 hour leh.....evEn at MidDLe gt rEst....
rELi trireD lo.....

Dun Noe I shOlud sAid lucky or Bad Luck leh????
WheN i FiniSh my Math HomeWork.....
I plAnning to BatH....
n planning to go CeKap.....
rEceIve the cALL frOm Chu bOon....
sHe sAid tat.....
CekAP cALL her said tat........
Mr.Thava enTer hosPiTaL.....
so toDay clAss cAncEL.....
wHen I LisTen Tis....
i dun FeeL haPPy at ALL....
bcAuz i noe.....
wHen skuL rEopen....
MisS Catherine sure WiLL rusH suPer faSt....
uNtiL i cAnt fOlLow....
( bcauz my foundation in Additional Mathematics r not stronger enough)............
nvr mind la.....
just wOrk Hard La....
i noE i cAn do It.....
If I wan to do So....

as normAL.......
aTtenD Mr.Lim Chemistry class lo......
i dun noe wat he talking about..........
From my Opinion.........
Madam Tian LEe Yuan are much beTter thaN him..... trUe......
evEn sumtime she wiLL giving Us soMe wRong InfroMation..........
but She rEli is a vEry guD teAchEr..........
I liKe her ChemiStrY cLasS so muCh.............

fEeL sad when tat stupid Mr.Chin scold Jien Cheng just now.......
even is Jien Cheng false....
but u as the principle of Cekap.......
ur mentality should stronger enough..........
how cum u scold people stupid.............n brainless????
for me........
u r the stupid lo...........
u noe people got fEeling wan leh.........
u make him no face infront of so many students.........
i think u r the 1 who no brain lo............
i reli speechless to u...........

Jien Cheng: just forget it la............
dun border tis kind of stupid............

Tuesday 15 June 2010

Am I rEgrEt?????

like tat....1 WeeK holidays oledi pass....
wat i had done in the pass 1 week?????
but Playing lol.... homework.....
aLL havent done yet.....
I reli got no mood to do It la.....

i m thinking....
Is it Pre-University Life is tat suitable for me?????
but if i Said no.....
waT can i Do?????
born in tHe pOor family....
everythings had been decided by the word POOR....
Warren...dun regret la.....
even regret oso useless....
bcauz u have to study Pre-University oso....

Said honesty la....
i dislike my 6SB class now.....
i prefer my 5A10 lol....
bcauz when I m in trouble....
( cant solve the question)
my pretty friends......
Josh, Wei Jian, Wallace, Pineapple....
they sure will help me.....
but 6SB....
who can I ask.....
Jien Cheng....
his standard same as me....
he can solve, I can solve oso....
He cant solve.....I cant solve oso....
Jin Wen....
I reli dun noe how to said la.....
but I can feel tat.....
he dun wan to teach me lo.....
Connie they all....
much worsth then me......
so, who can I ask??????
the stupid Hung Jun....
go back to SMK Raja Ali oledi.....
if not.....may b he can HELP me de.....
forget about it la.....
Pre-University life is like tat.....
think n solve all the problem urself la......


Sunday 13 June 2010

tErribLe dAy....

2day afternOon....
raining heavy......
i m solving my damn Hard Physics question....
receive cALL from Evon, KokKok Irene, n Karmun Baby.....
they cALL me go n MeEt thEm at OlDtoWn....
at 1st i dun wan to go .....
n I tought the rain will not stop....
I said...
if stop Raining.....
then I go.....
10minute later.....
stop raining.....
i have to do wat i had promise.....
before tat....
I caLL Kia boon....
bcauz i wanna to Borrow.....
Physics exercIse frOm him....
after go Kia Boon house....
then I drove my pretty Kerani to meEt them....
aFter drank n ate....
i drove back to my house.....
the time i Stop My car outside my hoUse....
prepare to park in my car....
2 stupid fellow.....
driving their Motorcycle.....
bang my cAr.....
my front light gone.....
after tat i cALL my mum.....
she said tat is my FalSE....
bcauz Motorcyclist alway be right.....
Wat the stupid rile n teory is it????
damn angry,,,,,,,,,,,

When my mum back.....
she said nid few hundred ringgit to repair it......
few hundred ringgit gone..... mum going to pay half............
but still very angry la.....

Saturday 12 June 2010

mISs u aLL guys.....

Pre-University life oledi start almost 1 month zo......
i m in the class of 6SB....
science scheme......
Am I happy in tis class?????
not reli......
Even i look very enjoying.....
but i m not tat happy actually......

I reli miss aLL my form 5 guys......
exspecially Josh Wong Shao Zhe who oledi study at Perak .....
n Jimmy Yap study at Kedah......
Miss Them so much.....
last time.....
if i m in trouble.....
they will gv me the Help.....
by now.....
2 of thEm oledi go.....
I have to solve it by my own.....
bcauz Alisa V, Karmun, Evon, Irene......
they all oledi go arts scheme......
the oli people i can ask are.....
Chu Boon n Ong Li Yong.....
haiz.....damn tired.......
i reli feEL regret.....
bcauz i dont did well in my SPM.....
if not.....
i can on other place now.....

ALL my friends.......
I mIss u so muCh....
Kau Lim, Jason, Wei Jian,Alisa V, Cynthia, Kean Wui, Ming Han, Chin Fei......
Renee Tsen.......


is it I hate him????
Not reli.....
the word HATE.....
r not tat suitable for me to used it ....
in decribe my view....

I can be his friend.....
i dont mind actually.....
I reli hate his attitude la.....
When he nid help from sum 1.....
his action not look like nid Help....
but look like order us doing something for him.....
so sorry lol.....
u dun have the right ask me to do so.....
Even my mum.....
oso dun order me like u order me lol.....
who u r oh?????

I would like to tell u tat.....
If u dun change ur Attitude.....
aLL of Us will just left u....
a lot of People oledi bek cek u.....
if u wan us b ur friends.....
please la.....
change it.....
even i noe.....
u oledi change a lot....
but not enought yet lol......

think of it la....wat I said.....

Friday 11 June 2010





I reli dun hope u cum n fool me heart reli hurt by u.....
even tis is a small things.....
but if u do sth repeat n repeat again
wat i will feel.....
i willnt hv confidence wif wat u tell me......
i make u as my best friend.....
At the same time.....
i oso hope u can make me as ur good friend.....
everythings....pass....just let go......

Tuesday 8 June 2010

I noe wat I said hurt her.....
but wat u all said....
hurt me oso......
I oledi explain it to u all......
but u all never listen to me.....
the time.....
u sign out ur msn directly......
tat second, tat minute......
i reli......
fEeL sAd.......
y? y? n y?
y u cant listen to me?????
is all tat is my false......
if u all nvr did sth make me angry....
Am I going to scold u????
No right????
N I noe.....
wat I did....
is too over......
i Oledi tell u aLL.....
I will....
I will....
try my best to change it......
can u aLL please.....stop comment on it??????
u aLL never giving me the time......
how Am I going to chance....

N u.....
u said if I cant change.....
then better left u all.....
when i read tis.....
my heart....
fully broke......
tis caLL friend????
tis question had been appeAr in my mind.....
when ur friend r in trouble.....
wat u do....
is not trying to help him.....
but is choose to leave him.....
i reli FeEL sAd..............................................

but anywhere......
thankz u all a lot....
gv me a special experience.....
尤其是EVON NG.....


Wednesday 2 June 2010

hE cHooSe to leave herE......

laSt 2 day.....
he cum to Jinjang skul.....
to study Pre- University.....
n 2day.....
he choose to leave here......
daMn sAd......
if he never came here.....
tHen should b OK for ALL of us.....
afTer he cum....
aLL of us interact wif him....
exspecially me......
i m his 1st friend in SMK Jinjang.....
n I dun noe y....
when i meet wif him....
i hv very strong feel.....
like we oledi noe each other....long long time ago.....
so when he choose to leave.....
i reli fEEL sad.....
the degree of sadness....
nothing can b use to describe it......
he oledi go....
wat can I do....
just pray hardly for Him.....
hope he has a bright future......
n hopefully we can meet at the University later.....